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Wars since 1900

A list of all wars in the 20th and 21st centuries, based on data by COW, Prio and UCDP. See the source page or the FAQ for more information. How many died because of warfare in the 20th and 21st century?

Name of War  

Years   Fatalities Type Mem. Note
Eastern Ukraine War 2014 - 2015 4,398 1 [1] U
South Sudan Civil War 2011 - 2015 4,416 1 U
Syrian civil war 2011 - 2015 129,546 1 [2] U
Libyan Civil War 2011 - 2015 3,617 1 [3] U
Yemeni Civil War 2009 - 2015 5,981 1 U
Nigerian Govt vs Boko Haram 2009 - 2015 13,601 1 U
Waziristan conflict 2007 - 2015 28,542 1 U
Mexican Drug War 2006 - 2015 11,465 2 [3] U
Iraqi Insurgency 2004 - 2015 46,834 1 [9] U
Afghanistan war 2001 - 2015 72,593 1 [5] U
Turkey Gov vs Kurdistan Guerilla (PPK) 1984 - 2015 28,651 1 [1] U
Sudan Government vs Militias 1983 - 2015 97,221 1 [1] U
Somalia Civil War 1982 - 2015 51,701 1 [2] U
Russia vs Chechnyan Secessionists and the Caucasus Emirate 1994 - 2014 23,389 1 [7] U
Algeria Govt vs Islamic rebels, GIA, AIS, AQIM 1991 - 2014 20,658 1 [1] U
Indian Govt vs Maoist Guerillas 1991 - 2014 7,198 1 U
Nagorno-Karabakh War 1990 - 2014 5,294 1 [1] U
Northern Mali Conflict 1990 - 2014 2,784 1 U
Indian-Pakistani Dispute and Intrastate Insurgency in Kashmir 1984 - 2014 21,929 1 [13] U
Ethiopian Govt vs Ogadeni Rebels - WSLF/ONLF/AIAI 1976 - 2014 23,382 1 U
Philippines Govt vs Mindanao Guerillas 1970 - 2014 17,692 1 U
Philippine Government vs CPP Guerrilla 1969 - 2014 24,804 1 U
Colombia Govt vs Guerillas Farc and ELN 1964 - 2014 26,877 1 [3] U
Burmese Government vs Separatist Guerillas 1949 - 2014 53,707 1 U
Israel vs Palestine 1949 - 2014 15,216 1 [6]
Sectarian Conflict in the Central African Republic 2012 - 2013 5,735 1 U
Kivu Conflict 2006 - 2013 10,449 1 U
Lou Nuer vs Murle (Jonglei conflict) 2006 - 2013 3,362 2 U
al-Qaida vs USA and allies 2001 - 2013 7,649 1 [12]
Uganda Civil War 1980 - 2013 127,566 1 [1] U
Mozambique Govt vs RENAMO and FRELIMO 1977 - 2013 115,888 1 U
Ethiopia vs Oromia rebels (OLF) 1977 - 2013 2,651 1 [1] U
Tajikistan Govt vs Opposition 1992 - 2011 9,145 1
Senegal Civil War 1990 - 2011 1,657 1
Iran vs rebel groups (MEK,PJAK etc) 1979 - 2011 5,015 1 [1] U
Chad Civil War 1966 - 2010 36,078 1 U
Peruvian Gvt vs Sendero Luminoso and MRTA 1965 - 2010 17,250 1 [1]
Sri Lankan Govt vs Tamil Militants (LTTE) 1984 - 2009 73,818 1 [8] U
Burundi Civil War 1991 - 2008 15,651 1 [2] U
Nepal Civil War 1996 - 2006 12,282 1 [1] U
Southern Lebanon War 1990 - 2006 1,712 1 [4]
Indonesia Gvt vs Aceh Liberation movement 1990 - 2005 3,184 1 U
Civil War in Côte d Ivoire 2002 - 2004 1,371 1 [1] U
Ituri Conflict 1999 - 2004 12,494 2 U
Iraq vs US led coalition 2003 - 2003 7,927 1 [10] U
First and Second Congo Wars 1996 - 2003 80,018 1 [1] U
Liberia Civil War 1989 - 2003 23,249 1 [2] U
Congo Brazzaville Civil War 1993 - 2002 15,541 1 [1]
Angolan Gvt vs UNITA Guerilla 1975 - 2002 114,898 1 [1]
Sierra Leone Civil War 1991 - 2001 18,119 1 [2]
Eritrea vs Ethiopia 2000 - 2000 98,192 1 [1]
Afghanistan Civil War 1978 - 2000 546,703 1 [4] U
Yugoslavia vs NATO Forces and UCK Guerilla 1998 - 1999 3,613 1 [5]
Indonesian Govt vs Fretilin - East Timor 1975 - 1999 76,623 1 [1] U
Cambodian Govt vs Khmer Rouge 1979 - 1998 87,499 1 U
Northern Ireland, The Troubles 1971 - 1998 3,010 1 [4]
Hunde and allies vs Hutu, Banyarwanda 1993 - 1996 3,938 2 U
Iraq Government vs SCIRI 1982 - 1996 1,165 1
Iraq vs Kurdistan (KDP/PUK) 1982 - 1996 20,849 1 [1] U
Iranian Govt vs KDPI 1966 - 1996 2,618 1 [1] U
Bosnian Govt vs Serbian and Croatian Insurgents 1992 - 1995 29,103 1 [7]
Croatia vs Serbian Irregulars, Rep. Krajina 1992 - 1995 1,442 1 [3]
Guatemalan Civil War 1965 - 1995 45,392 1 [2]
North Yemen vs Secessionists 1994 - 1994 1,489 1
Rwanda Civil War (Hutus vs Tutsis) 1990 - 1994 507,754 1 [4] U
Burmese Govt vs Communist Guerillas 1948 - 1994 17,700 1
Georgian Civil War 1992 - 1993 2,752 1
Indian Govt vs Sikh insurgents 1983 - 1993 14,551 1 [2] U
Serbian Govt. vs Croatian irregulars 1991 - 1991 3,933 1
First Gulf War 1990 - 1991 23,946 1 [4] U
El Salvador Gvt vs FMLN Guerrillas 1979 - 1991 51,809 1 [2] U
Ethiopian Government vs EPRDF 1976 - 1991 56,003 1 U
Ethiopia vs Eritrean Separatists ELF/EPLF 1964 - 1991 168,510 1
Nicaragua Govt vs Contras 1981 - 1990 29,965 1 [1] U
Lebanese Civil War 1975 - 1990 131,104 1 [7]
Sri Lanka Govt vs JVP 1971 - 1990 2,018 1 [1]
Romanian Revolution 1989 - 1989 909 1
Panama Coup and US Invasion 1989 - 1989 920 1
Western Sahara War 1975 - 1989 12,687 1 [1]
South Africa vs ANC 1981 - 1988 4,087 1
Iran vs Iraq 1980 - 1988 644,500 1 [5]
Sino-Vietnamese War 1978 - 1988 47,046 1
Namibia vs South Africa 1966 - 1988 10,000 1 [5]
Chadian-Lybian War (Aouzou Strip) 1987 - 1987 8,500 1
South Yemen Coup 1986 - 1986 10,000 1
Falklands War 1982 - 1982 964 1 [5]
Syrian Govt vs Muslim Brotherhood 1979 - 1982 2,075 1
Thai Govt vs CPT 1974 - 1982 3,425 1
Nicaraguan Gvt vs Sandinistas 1978 - 1979 10,000 1 [1]
Uganda vs Tanzania 1978 - 1979 3,847 1
Iranian Revolution 1978 - 1979 1,100 1
Rhodesian Government vs ZANU,ZAPU,PF 1967 - 1979 27,080 1 [3]
Vietnam vs Cambodia (Kampuchea) 1978 - 1978 32,500 1
Indonesian annexation of West Papua 1962 - 1978 8,700 1
Argentina: Civil War and Dirty War 1974 - 1977 4,677 1 [2]
Balochistan Insurgency 1974 - 1977 8,600 1
Chinese Cultural Revolution 1967 - 1976 2,050,000 1 [1]
Cambodian Civil War 1967 - 1975 250,000 1
Vietnam War 1965 - 1975 2,048,050 1 [7]
Angolan War of Independence 1961 - 1975 79,000 1 [1]
Turko Cypriot War 1974 - 1974 5,000 1
Mozambique War of Independence 1964 - 1974 13,500 1 [2]
Yom Kippur War 1973 - 1973 6,450 1 [1]
Chilean MIlitary Coup 1973 - 1973 2,095 1 [2]
Guinea Bissau War of Independence 1963 - 1973 15,000 1 [1]
Laos Civil War 1959 - 1973 21,500 1
Hutu Rebellion 1972 - 1972 153,000 1
Sudan Government vs Insurgents 1963 - 1972 10,000 1
Bangladesh War 1971 - 1971 50,000 1 [4]
Second Kashmir War 1964 - 1971 16,327 1 [2]
Israel vs Egypt 1969 - 1970 5,520 1
Nigerian Civil War 1967 - 1970 75,000 1 [2]
North Yemen Civil War 1962 - 1970 10,000 1
First Kurdish–Iraqi War 1961 - 1970 6,600 1
Football War Honduras vs El Salvador 1969 - 1969 2,107 1
The Six Day War 1967 - 1967 5,413 1 [1]
Dominican Republic Coup 1965 - 1965 4,027 1
Congo Crisis 1960 - 1965 7,175 1 [2]
First Rwanda Civil War 1963 - 1964 1,000 1
Vietnam Civil War 1955 - 1964 164,923 1
Sino-Indian War 1962 - 1962 2,105 1 [2]
Algerian War of Independece 1954 - 1962 184,886 1 [2]
Bizerte Crisis 1961 - 1961 1,394 1
Cameroonian Govt vs UPC 1960 - 1961 60,000 1
Indonesia vs PRRI, Permesta and Darul Islam 1953 - 1961 33,965 1
Cuban Revolution 1953 - 1961 1,205 1
1959 Mosul uprising in Iraq 1959 - 1959 2,000 1 [1]
Cameroon War of Independence 1957 - 1959 11,700 1
Tibetan Uprising 1956 - 1959 16,000 1
First Lebanese War 1958 - 1958 1,400 1 [1]
La Violencia 1948 - 1958 29,800 1
Malayan Civil War 1948 - 1957 10,845 1 [2]
Sinai War 1956 - 1956 2,142 1 [2]
Soviet Invasion of Hungary 1956 - 1956 3,171 1 [2]
Kenya, Mau-Mau vs UK 1954 - 1956 12,955 1 [3]
Tunisian war of Independence 1953 - 1956 2,000 1
Moroccan War of Independence 1953 - 1956 1,000 1
Taiwan Strait Crisis 1949 - 1954 10,025 1
Philippines, Huk rebels vs Govt 1946 - 1954 9,695 1
First Indochina War Comm. vs France 1946 - 1954 377,523 1 [2]
Korean War 1949 - 1953 995,025 1 [11]
Bolivian Revolution 1952 - 1952 1,000 1
Indian Govt vs Communist Rebels CPI 1948 - 1951 4,000 1
Soviet Union vs Baltic Partisans (’’Forest Brethren’’) 1945 - 1951 32,400 1
Indonesian Govt vs Republic of South Moluccas 1950 - 1950 1,000 1
Third Sino-Tibetan War 1950 - 1950 4,000 1
Cheju Rebellion in South Korea 1948 - 1949 17,000 1 [1]
Arab-Israeli War 1948 - 1949 21,111 1 [1]
Greece Civil War 1946 - 1949 154,000 1
Chinese Civil War 1946 - 1949 1,200,000 1 [1]
Costa Rican Civil War 1948 - 1948 2,000 1
First Kashmir War 1948 - 1948 7,500 1
Yemeni Imamate War 1948 - 1948 4,000 1
Telangana Rebellion and Indo-Hyderabad War 1947 - 1948 4,360 1
Civil War in Mandatory Palestine 1947 - 1948 4,009 1 [2]
Indian Partition Communal Violence 1947 - 1948 200,000 1
Taiwanese revolt 1947 - 1947 1,000 1 [1]
Madagascar Rebellion 1947 - 1947 6,952 1 [1]
Paraguayan Gvt vs Rebels 1947 - 1947 4,000 1
Poland and Soviet Union vs Ukrainian Partisans 1945 - 1947 59,700 1
Indonesian Independence 1945 - 1946 5,400 1
World War II 1939 - 1945 50,000,000 1 [36]
Franco-Thai War 1940 - 1941 1,400 1 [1]
Third Sino-Japanese War 1937 - 1941 1,000,000 1 [6]
The Winter War in Finland 1939 - 1940 151,798 1 [1]
The battle of Khalkhin Gol 1939 - 1939 28,000 1
Arab revolt in Mandatory Palestine 1936 - 1939 2,576 1
Second British-Waziristan 1936 - 1939 10,200 1
Spanish Civil War 1936 - 1939 466,300 1 [1]
Changkufeng Incident 1938 - 1938 1,726 1
Italo-Ethiopian War 1935 - 1936 20,000 1
Chaco War 1932 - 1935 92,661 1
Communists vs Koumintang 1930 - 1935 500,000 1
Spanish Socialists vs Govt 1934 - 1934 1,335 1
Saudi-Yemeni War 1934 - 1934 2,100 1
Xinjiang Muslim Revolt 1931 - 1934 21,000 1
Manchurian War 1931 - 1933 60,000 1 [2]
El Salvador, La Matanza 1932 - 1932 2,600 1
Aprista Revolt in Peru 1932 - 1932 1,100 1
Brazilian Revolt 1932 - 1932 1,000 1
Saya San Rebellion 1930 - 1932 1,140 1
Senussi Orden vs Italy 1920 - 1932 40,000 1
The Yên Bái Uprising 1930 - 1931 1,000 1
Ikhwan Revolt 1929 - 1930 5,500 1
Kuomintang vs warlords 1929 - 1930 75,000 1
Escobar Rebellion 1929 - 1929 2,000 1
Sino-Soviet war 1929 - 1929 3,200 1
Second Afghan Anti-Reform War 1928 - 1929 15,000 1
The Cristero War 1926 - 1929 10,000 1
Kuomintang vs Gansu Rebels 1928 - 1928 200,000 1
Northern Expedition 1926 - 1928 126,500 1
Druze revolt 1925 - 1927 6,000 1
Third Chinese Warlord War 1925 - 1926 1,000 1
Third Rif War 1920 - 1926 70,000 1
Afghan rebels vs govt 1924 - 1925 2,000 1
Nejd-Hejaz Wars 1919 - 1925 4,000 1
Honduras Coup 1924 - 1924 1,000 1
Soviet-Turkestan War 1921 - 1923 3,500 1
Second Chinese Warlord War 1922 - 1922 20,000 1
Ireland freestaters vs Irregulars 1921 - 1922 4,000 1
Moplah Riots in Kerala 1921 - 1922 2,450 1
Blackshirts vs Leftists 1920 - 1922 3,300 1
Second Greco Turkish War 1919 - 1922 50,000 1
Russian Revolution and Civil War 1917 - 1922 802,225 1 [1]
Kronstadt Rebellion 1921 - 1921 2,600 1
Green Rebellion 1920 - 1921 6,700 1
Conquest of Mongolia 1920 - 1921 4,000 1
Iraq vs UK 1920 - 1921 9,540 1
Turkish War of Independence 1919 - 1921 40,000 1
Lithuanian-Polish War 1920 - 1920 1,000 1
Franco-Syrian war 1920 - 1920 3,500 1 [1]
First Chinese Warlord War 1920 - 1920 35,000 1
Polish-Soviet War 1919 - 1920 100,000 1
First British-Waziristan War 1919 - 1920 2,000 1
Hungary Civil War 1919 - 1920 1,500 1
Caco Revolt 1918 - 1920 2,102 1
Estonian Liberation War 1918 - 1920 11,750 1 [2]
Latvian Liberation 1918 - 1920 13,246 1
Mexican Revolution 1910 - 1920 125,000 1 [1]
The Dervish State vs Ethiopia, Britain and Italy 1899 - 1920 6,000 1
Hungarian–Romanian War of 1919 1919 - 1919 11,000 1
Third Anglo-Afghan War 1919 - 1919 2,136 1
Sparticist Rising 1919 - 1919 2,170 1
Second Sino-Tibetan 1918 - 1918 1,500 1
Finnish Civil War 1918 - 1918 15,150 1 [1]
Southern China Revolt 1915 - 1918 1,000 1
World War I 1914 - 1918 10,670,868 1 [12]
Russia-Turkestan 1916 - 1917 1,350 1
Chinese Govt vs Bai Lang (White Wolf) Rebels 1914 - 1914 5,000 1
Moro Rebellion 1913 - 1913 15,050 1
2nd Balkan War 1913 - 1913 60,500 1
Kuomintang vs Chinese Army 1913 - 1913 5,000 1
1st Balkan War 1912 - 1913 82,000 1 [1]
First Sino-Tibetan War 1911 - 1912 2,000 1
Italo-Turkish War 1911 - 1912 20,000 1
Paraguay Coups 1911 - 1912 5,000 1
Cuba vs Partido Independiente de Color 1911 - 1911 1,050 1
Chinese Revolution 1911 - 1911 1,000 1 [2]
Asir-Yemen Revolt 1910 - 1911 9,000 1
French Conquest of Wadai Sultanate 1909 - 1911 12,000 1
The second Rif War 1909 - 1910 10,000 1
Ma al-’Aynayn’s Anti-Colonial Insurgency 1907 - 1910 3,150 1
Korean guerilla war against Japanese occupation 1907 - 1910 17,736 1
Portugese war against Dembos 1907 - 1910 5,100 1
Iranian Constitution War 1908 - 1909 1,100 1
Morocco unrest 1907 - 1908 1,400 1
4th Central American war 1907 - 1907 1,000 1
Romanian Peasant Revolt 1907 - 1907 2,000 1
Dutch-Achinese War 1904 - 1907 24,200 1
Zulu Rebellion 1906 - 1906 2,356 1
Third Central American war 1906 - 1906 1,000 1
Sokoto and UK vs Mahdist Revolt 1906 - 1906 2,080 1
Russian Revolution 1905 1905 - 1906 1,500 1
Maji Maji revolt 1905 - 1906 8,840 1
Southwest African Revolt 1904 - 1905 12,800 1 [1]
Russo-Japanese war 1904 - 1905 151,831 1 [1]
Uruguay Civil War 1904 - 1904 1,000 1
Second Yemen Rebellion 1904 - 1904 30,000 1
Uprisings in Colonial Angola 1902 - 1904 2,000 1
Ilinden Uprising 1903 - 1903 6,330 1
The War of a Thousand Days 1899 - 1903 100,000 1
Philippine insurrection 1899 - 1902 20,500 1
Second Boer war 1899 - 1902 30,800 1
The Boxer Rebellion 1900 - 1900 3,003 1
Sino-Russian War 1900 - 1900 4,000 1


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