During WW2
Japan received Jewish refugees and rejected the resulting Nazi German protests.
Fanta originated in Germany as a result of difficulties importing Coca-Cola syrup into Nazi Germany during WW2.
Hitler's plan for Moscow was to kill all its residents and cover it with an artificial lake.
During the invasion of Poland in WW2, 720 Poles defended their position against 40,000 Germans, stopping their advance for 3 days.

Carrots don't make your eyesight better. That was a lie from the British to cover up their technology from the NAZI during WW2.

During WW2, the Japanese invaded Alaska, and more Americans were killed or wounded defending Alaska than at Pearl Harbor.
During WW2, Nazi soldiers were fed massive quantities of methamphetamine for increased alertness and endurance.
After the Treaty of Versailles, French Marshal Ferdinand Foch said "This is not a peace. It is an armistice for twenty years." Exactly 20 years and 65 days later, WW2 broke out
Every single spy Hitler thought he had in Britain during WW2 was a double agent under British control.
A Japanese pilot who attacked a town in Oregon during WW2 returned years later to present his family's 400-year-old sword as a symbol of regret.
After John F. Kennedy's WW2 PT boat was sunk, he wrote a message on a coconut asking for help. It worked. Kennedy kept the coconut and it became a Presidential paperweight.
The SS officer who captured Anne Frank and her family
became a member of West Germany's intelligence service after WW2. He bought Anne Frank's book to see if he was mentioned.
Nutella was invented during WW2, when an Italian pastry maker mixed hazelnuts into chocolate to extend his cocoa supply.
A secret radio belonging to a British POW in WW2 was kept so well hidden that, when he visited the camp 62 years later, it was still there.
Over 800,000 women served in the Soviet armed forces in WW2.
Germany nearly won the war against the USSR. In late 1941, the USSR sent a feeler committee (Beria) to Germany. Stalin was willing to hand over Ukraine along with much of the won territory the German army was occupying in late 1941. The feeler committee stated that the Germans believed that the USSR was near collapse and did not want to negotiate terms of peace.
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